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Cavs Programm

CAVS Program Continues Progress

European Governments Collaborate on Modernized Armoured Vehicle System

Joint Initiative Enhances Defense Capabilities

Helsinki, Finland - The Finnish-led Common Armoured Vehicle System (CAVS) program has made significant progress, according to recent developments presented at the Defence IQ's International Armoured Vehicles (IAV) 2023 conference. The CAVS program, initially established by Finland and Latvia, has since welcomed the participation of Sweden and Germany.

The initiative was launched in 2021 with the goal of developing a state-of-the-art armored vehicle system to meet the evolving needs of European defense forces. The program aims to enhance interoperability and standardization among participating nations.

Early in 2020, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia agreed to collaborate on the development of CAVS, laying the foundation for the project. Germany has recently signed a statement of intent to join the program, with the official agreement expected to be finalized in the near future.

The CAVS program is designed to provide European governments with a modernized and cost-effective armored vehicle system. The system will incorporate advanced technologies and meet the latest operational requirements. By working together, the participating nations aim to strengthen their collective defense capabilities.
